The last Regional MICS4 Workshop of 2009 was completed today in Panama City. Teams from 14 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean attended this workshop, on survey design. The workshop was organized by the UNICEF TACRO Regional Office, and took place at the Bristol Hotel, during 10-16 November 2009.
37 participants from 14 countries attended the workshop:
Argentina (2), Belize (3), Costa Rica (2), Cuba (3), Dominican Republic (2), El Salvador (3), Guyana (1), Jamaica (4), Panama (8), Paraguay (1), Peru (1), Suriname (3), Trinidad and Tobago (3), Uruguay (1).
Figures in parentheses indicate the numbers of participants from each country.
Bernt Aasen (UNICEF TACRO Regional Director) and Tessa Wardlaw (UNICEF New York, Chief of Statistics and Monitoring Sction) jointly opened the workshop. Facilitating the workshop sessions were:
Daniel Ferrante (Consultant - Household Surveys)
Danzhen You (Statistics and Monitoring Section, UNICEF New York)
David Megill (Consultant - Sampling)
Holly Newby (Statistics and Monitoring Section, UNICEF New York)
Ivana Bjelic (UNICEF New York MICS Team)
Luis Ochoa (Consultant - Household Surveys)
Oliver Petrovic (Early Childhood Development Section, UNICEF New York)
Shane M. Khan (UNICEF TACRO Regional MICS Coordinator)
Tessa Wardlaw (Statistics and Monitoring Section, UNICEF New York)
Turgay Unalan (UNICEF New York MICS Team)
Bastiaan Van't Hoff (UNICEF TACRO Monitoring and Evaluation Officer) and Attila Hancioglu (Global MICS Coordinator) were also attendance and contributed to the sessions. Enrique Delamonica, Regional Adviser on Social Policy, and Christine Norton, Regional Adviser on Adolescents and Youth, both from UNICEF TACRO, facilitated two sessions on their areas of expertise. Karoline Schmid, Social Policy Officer from UN-ECLAC presented on MDG monitoring in the Caribbean.
The 6-day workshop concluded with the country survey presentations on the last day. Participants received certificates of attendance from Aida Oliver (UNICEF TACRO Regional Chief of Planning) and Attila Hancioglu during the closing ceremony.
Thanks for a great workshop, the team did an excellent job and I wish everyone the best in the planning and execution of their individual plans.